LinkedIn is teaming up with GitHub to launch over 40 software development courses through LinkedIn Learning, all of which are free until March 2023. The courses combine educational videos from LinkedIn with GitHub Codespaces and cover today’s most popular programming languages. GitHub Codespaces integration allows users to get hands-on experience in real-world software development environments. The free courses included in this are the following: Data Science Courses: Level Up: Python Data Acquisitions, Prep, and EDA Machine Learning With Python: Association Rules Data Cleaning in Python Essential Training Practice It: SQL Joins Machine Learning With Python: Logistic Regression Training Neural Networks In Python Controlling CSS With JavaScript Level Up: Python Practice It: Python Data Structures JavaScript and ReactJS Courses: Practice It: JavaScript Loops and Conditionals JavaScript: Functions Hands-On Introduction: JavaScript Hands-On Introduction: React CSS Courses: CSS: Enhancing Interfaces With Animation CSS: Images CSS: Scrolling and Parallax CSS for Programmers CSS: Animation Tailwind CSS 3 Essential Training CSS Layout Code Challenges CSS Tips Some other courses that are included in the list are Practice It: Java Hands-On Introduction: ASP.NET Razor Pages Hands-On Introduction: Java Level-Up: Go Level Up: Java Level Up: SQL Learning Bash Scripting 8 Git Commands You Should Know Hands-On Introduction: SQL ESLint: Integrating With Your Workflow ESLint: Checking For Syntax and Logic Errors ESLint: Customizing Styles Prettier: Integrating With Your Workflow Hands-On Introduction: Go Level Up: C Practice It: Go REST API Server Level Up: PHP Hands-On Introduction: PHP Building Monorepos on GitHub Find the full list of courses here LinkedIn Learning has been offering premium content for years. Students can take any of the courses, listed below, and receive a certificate of completion upon their successful completion of the course. So which course are you going to get first? Let me know below.